Guzheng Musician Xiaomei Zhu Offering Guzheng Tutorial Lesson Class In San Jose Bay Area 南湾圣荷西古筝教学
Learn to play Guzheng with musician Xiaomei Zhu, offering class in San Jose - Bay Area, California. Lesson is specifically tailored to help you develop your techniques with one-on-one attention or group and provide the right tools to achieve your goals.
With over 20 years of experience, Xiaomei Zhu’s classes are sure to help you reach your full musical potential. Her classes, designed for beginners and experienced students alike, will support you on your journey to becoming a master of the strings.
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Guzheng Musician: Xiaomei Zhu

What is Guzheng:
Guzheng (Chinese: 古箏; pinyin: gǔzhēng, pronounced [kùt͡ʂə́ŋ]) — also simply called zheng— is a Chinese plucked zither. “Gu” in Chinese (古) means “ancient”, while “zheng” (箏) means zither. In the past, guzhengs had variable number of strings (13 or more). A modern day guzheng has 21 strings and bridges. Guzheng is also an ancestor of several other Asian instruments from the zither family, which spread all across Asia, such as koto of Japan, the kayagum of Korea, and the dan tranh of Vietnam. Guzheng first emerged during the Warring States period (475 to 221 BCE). It was largely influenced by its ancestor se (Chinese: 瑟; pinyin: sè) — also an ancient Chinese plucked zither. Guzheng became prominent during the Qin Dynasty (221 to 206 BCE), and especially during the Tang Dynasty (618 CE to 907 CE). Nowadays, it is arguably the most commonly played instrument in China. Source: Wikipedia
Biography: Guzheng Musician Xiaomei Zhu
Ms. Zhu has 20 years experience as an educator. Her students who took up Guzheng have been awarded full scholarships when applying to university institutions. Moreover, they have won top prizes in competitions and been invited to perform as soloists at Carnegie Hall in New York.
Xiaomei Zhu, a member of Guzheng Profession Committee of Chinese Musicians Association,
who has won the International Outstanding Music Teacher Award issued by the North American Virtuoso International Music Competition and the largest international music competition association in the United States - Carnegie Hall. She was also invited to be a judge for the San Francisco International New Concept Performing Arts Competition Committee. Started learning guzheng (a traditional Chinese zither) at an early age. After receiving the First Prize at the competition for admission to the Attached Middle School of Wuhan Conservatory of Music in 2005, she continued her studies with Prof. Yan Gao. She was accepted to the Bachelors program from the Wuhan Conservatory of Music as a Third Place winner of the admission competition in 2008.
She was accepted to the Masters program of the same institution as the First Prize winner of the entrance competition. While a student at the Wuhan Conservatory, Xiaomei studied guzheng with renowned performers and educators, such as Prof. Zhongshan Wang from China Conservatory of Music and Prof. Yan Gao and received guidance from Prof. Qing Wu.
Xiaomei’s had received numerous honors and awards, such as the First Prize at the Third Session of Singapore Golden Lion International Guzheng Competition of 2009 and the First Prize at the “Mountain and Water Cup” Guzheng Competition of 2011. She has performed in Malaysia, Singapore, China, Canada, the United States, and North America.
She has appeared in a number of Chinese television programs, most notably at the CCTV Chinese Music Channel and Hubei Economic TV Channel. She has performed at a variety of musical venues, such as Theatre in Canada, Flint Center Performing art in Silicon Valley, Ten-Year China-France Alliance Anniversary, Milwaukee Theatre, Englert Theatre, IC Open City Program, Iowa United Nations Association and UNICEF Tap Project. As a soloist, she’s appeared with Iowa City Community String Orchestra, performing arrangements of traditional Chinese pieces and an original work.
Her performances have been covered by newspapers and media. She specializes in various genres of traditional Chinese music, including modern compositions for guzheng as well as classical, world, folk and fusion musical genres.
She was a member of the Orchid Ensemble – an internationally acclaimed chamber group comprise of a guzheng, erhu and percussion.
Xiaomei is also a dedicated teacher and educator. In addition to teaching privately, she has given countless lectures as a guest speaker at Universities, colleges, festivals, libraries, and cultural centers, where she has been introducing guzheng and traditional Chinese music to the Western audiences and students.
2023 - Won the International Outstanding Music Teacher Award from Carnegie Hall, the largest international music competition association in the United States
2022 - Won the International Outstanding Music Teacher Award from the North American International Music Competition
2022 - Invited to record the Dragon Boat Festival program on Hunan International Channel
2019 - Certificate of Award San Francisco International New Concept Performing Arts Competition Committee judge
2019 - Asian Culture Event, Google, CA
2018 - Orchid Ensemble concert and collaboration with The Carroll University Choir Carroll University, Waukesha, WI
2017/2018 - Orchid Ensemble - As Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra ACE artist with the Milwaukee Symphony’s Arts in Community Education Program, 12 educational and community performances throughout Milwaukee and neigbouring cities, WI, USA
2017 - Orchid Ensemble - Residency at Michigan Technological University Choir collaboration w/ choir director Dr Jared Anderson, McArdle Theatre, Houghton, MI, USA
2017 - Orchid Ensemble - Masterclass with sound designers and composers, McArdle Theatre, USA
2017 - Orchid Ensemble - Lindsey Wilson College, Slider Hall, USA
2017 - Orchid Ensemble - Western Michigan University, Dalton Recital Hall, Michigan, USA
2017 - Orchid Ensemble - Western Michigan University Residency, co-presented by Kamloops Regional Educational Service Agency, Kalamazoo, MI,USA
2017 - Opening ceremony of our High school language contest, Iowa city, IA, USA
2016 - Collaboration with Taiji group, Confucius Institute at the University of Iowa
2016 - Lyon College Convocation Lecture, Arkansas, US
2016 - Lyon College, Arkansas, US
2016 - Orchid Ensemble collaboration with Eastfield College Choir and Dance Department, Dallas, Texas, US
2016 - Orchid Ensemble Recital, Dallas, Texas, US
2016 - Eastfield College Residency, Dallas, Texas, US
2016 - Texas Technological University, Lubbock, Texas, US
2016 - Maison de Culture – Pointe Claire , Claire, QC, Canada
2016 - Small World Music Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada
2016 - University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
2016 - Guzheng Performance, Presented by Hiawatha Public Library - Hiawatha, IA
2016 - Collaboration with Taiji group, Confucius Institute at the University of Iowa
2016 - AsianFest - McGrath Amphitheatre, Cedar Rapids, I
2016 - The Summer of the Arts Festival - downtown Iowa City, IA
2016 - DubuqueFest Fine Arts Festival, Dubuque, IA
2016 - Orchid Ensemble - Collaboration with Bel Canto Chorus, Milwaukee theater, WI
2016 - Orchid Ensemble - Annual residency as Cultural Partners with the Milwaukee Symphony”s Arts in Community Education Program, Milwaukee, WI
2016 - Project Art presents Xiaomei Zhu in concert - The University of Iowa, Iowa City
2015 - (Guest Artist) Soloist in a performance with Iowa Community String Orchestra - The Englert Theater
2015 - UNICEF Tap Project Concert - Iowa United Nations Association
2015 - TALK THE TEMPLE (TetraXord) - The Englert Theatre
2015 - Celebration of International Women’s Day - Iowa United Nations Association
2015 - Improvisation music with TetraXord assemble - IHear IC
2015 - Confucius institute of UI Chinese New Year Celebration - Daily Iowan TV
2014 - Invited and Interviewed by IC Open City Opening Concert -Iowa City, published by Iowa city press - citizen
2012 - Mid-Autumn Festival - CCTV Chinese Music Channel
2011 - "Full Moon Lit Gorgeous Flowers" concert - Wuhan Qintai Grand Theatre
2010 - China-France Alliance 10th Anniversary Concert - (East Chinese Orchestra) Bianzhong Music Hall of Wuhan Conservatory
2010 - Recording of “Walk into the Art” Chinese New Year Concert with Chinese Orchestra of Wuhan Conservatory of Music - Bianzhong Music Hall of Wuhan conservatory
2010 - “Open the Door to the Art” - Wuhan Qintai Grand Theatre
2007 - “Chui Dong Chui” with Gao Yan - CCTV Chinese Music Channel
2006 - “Rescue River” - Hubei Economic Channel
朱老师有着丰富的20年考级教学经验,学习多年古筝的学生,申请大学、研究生曾拿到全额奖学金。 参加比赛拿到最高奖,被邀请到纽约卡内基音乐厅独奏演出。
朱晓梅, 旅美古筝演奏家。中国音乐家协会古筝专业委员会会员。荣获北美国际音乐比赛、美国最大的国际音乐比赛协会—卡内基音乐厅颁发的国际杰出音乐教师奖。旧金山新概念影视音乐舞蹈时尚表演大赛邀请评委。2005年以专业第一名的优异成绩考入武汉音乐学院附中,2008年考入武汉音乐学院民乐系,2012年以第一名的优异成绩考入武汉音乐学院研究生部,攻读专业学位硕士研究生。先后师从著名古筝演奏家、教育家高雁教授,中国当代著名古筝演奏家、教育家王中山教授。曾多次录制CCTV音乐频道、湖北电视台经济卫视、湖南国际频道、Daily Iowan TV的节⽬目。曾应邀出访新加坡、马来西亚、美国、加拿大等国演出。曾出演加拿大多伦多剧院、加州硅谷剧院、密尔沃基剧院、Englert剧院、 爱荷华慈善机构、IC Open City、UNICEF Tap Project(联合国⼉儿童基⾦金金会) 、中法联盟十周年年、各音乐节、图书馆、⽂化中心、大学、中⼩学等音乐会、讲座给予高度赞誉。曾与东方中乐团、温哥华兰韵中乐团、爱荷华管弦乐等乐团合作。在古筝现代作品演奏技法掌握和乐曲处理方面有出色的表现,在传统乐器演奏上能准确地把握不同流派的风格特点。
2006年5月受邀于Hubei Economic Channel湖北电视台经济卫视的节目录制。
2014年受邀于IC Open City的采访和室外音乐会被Iowa City Press - Citizen报道。
2015年受邀于爱荷华孔子学院新年晚会被Daily Iowan TV报道。
2015年参加IHear IC的TetraXord assemble即兴演出。
2015年受邀于Iowa United Nations Association演出。
2015年参加TALK THE TEMPLE于The Englert Theatre演出。
2015年受邀于Iowa United Nations Association出演于联合国⼉儿童基⾦会。
2015年受邀于Iowa Community String Orchestra在The Englert剧院担任全场音乐会主奏。
2016年受邀于爱荷华大学出演Project Art个人演奏会。
2016年受邀于温哥华兰韵中乐团在密尔沃基剧院出演Bel Canto Chorus的合奏音乐会。
2016年受邀于The Summer of the Arts艺术节出演个人室外演奏会。
2016年受邀于Dubuque Fest Fine Arts艺术节出演个人室外演奏会。
2016年受邀于AsianFest 在McGrath Amphitheatre出演室外演奏会。